Isochronic Crystals

Are you ready for a Real Life Change? Are you looking to do more with your life besides living paycheck to paycheck? Perhaps you feel like you are in the cycle of doom because your job pays you just enough to skimp by, but there is so much more you want to do if you had the chance. Don't Worry, your not alone. These feelings sweep across humanity like the plague. It's called the "Negative Vibe Plague". Don't let it suck the spirit out of you!

So Much Is Possible! The world has an extreme amount of riches. The problem is that the majority of Earth's riches are in the bank accounts of the few richest people.. If all the money and assets in the world would be split up evenly, we'd all live in abundance! This means You deserve your share!

So you ask, How do I break this cycle? Simply Stated, You make it happen by visualizing and constantly working towards your goal. This isn't a big secret, we all should have known that already. Visualization and Determination leads to Manifestation. But truthfully, how many days of the week do you actually spend time manifesting and visualizing? If you are like most people, Barely Ever.. This is the problem..

The reason you are not manifesting every day is because you experienced no effects and it wasn't working for you. Am I Right? You tried manifesting, nothing great happened, so you went along with your life. If this is the case, I suggest you read every word on this page with a fine tooth comb because I am about to blow your mind.

Sound Waves Can Alter Your Brains Frequencies Causing A Shift In Consciousness!

High Technology Recordings are designed to interact directly with your brain frequencies and instantly bring you in to the Altered States of Alpha, Theta, and Delta while you remain conscious! There are three technologies that prove to be effective. Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats, and Isochronic Tones.

Binaurals play two stereo frequencies that are different from each other. The brain balances the two and tunes into the frequency difference. These recordings actually Control the Difference and put you right into an Altered State of our choice. Monaurals and Isochronics use equal intensity tones which pulse. The pulsing interacts and harmonizes with the brain as it lowers your brain's operating frequencies.

The Unexplainable Store Isochronic Crystals

I know these recordings work because I have tried several samples and recordings from different vendors. Some were horrible, some were OK, and The Unexplainable Store's were Excellent! I loved them so much that I am now an affiliated seller because I put my full trust in the recordings and the website. This means I earn commission for referrals, and I am in the process of manifesting my abundant future.